Who needs Advanced UPRT


From statistics, Loss of control in flight (LOC-I) is the type of accident with the highest number of people loosing their lives. It is not the most common type of accident, but it is the most serious.

EASA have made this a focal point and consequently introduced the ‘Advanced UPRT’ course per 20 dec 2019 as a requirement, descibed in Aircrewregulations part FCL 745.A

EASA requires 

EASA all new professional pilots to have the ‘Advanced UPRT course according to Air Crew regulations part FCL 745 A.
Consequently it is a prerequisite for the first type rating. 
The Advanced UPRT course can be taken as a separate course prior to applying for the airline job, thus contained in the CV-part of the job application.
LenAir Aps offer this course on favorable conditions.