Flight Training – Advanced UPRT
The practical flying course fully covers the requirements as stipulated in EASA Aircrew regulations part FCL 745.A (see ‘EASA requirements‘)
The training course is a prerequisite for your first type rating*
The course is a professional course and is therefore without MOMS/VAT (proof is required)
Course details:
– 2 flights each 1:30hours (block-to-block) in Super Decathlon or Extra 200 (both aerobatic rated)
– 2-3 days depending on weather
– Courses may take place 7 days a week from early morning to late evening
Certificate of Completion
LenAir ApS will issue a course certificate ref. FCL 745.A after successful completion of the ‘Advanced UPRT course’
Location: Copenhagen, Roskilde Airport (EKRK) or Anywhere in Europe as agreed
Comprehensive course include:
– All materials for preparation online, accessible in advance
– Aircraft and Instructor
– Pre- and post flight briefings
– Access to aircraft and hangar facilities outside training
– Friendly support to your (also non flying) needs
– Loan of Headset offered
(a) single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot operations
(b) single-pilot non-high-performance complex aeroplanes
(c) single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes; or
The following exercises and G-loads will be covered by the stated training methods:
– Aircraft familiarzation
– Steep turns up to 75° bank at varying speeds incl. min. speed.
– Slow flight at critical slow speed and during high bank angel
– Spiral dive
– Stall, different types including all attitude stalls and slip/skid stalls
– Nose high and nose low recoveries – 60°nose up and 30°nose down , bank 45°.
– Bank angles exceeding 90°
– Inverted flight
– Spin, incipient and fully developed – aircraft certified for spins without restrictions.
– Optional maneuvres exceeding the minimum requirements avaliable
G loads in the range 2.5 to -1G as required by EASA. Optional higher G-Loads according to your wish.
The training will cover visual, Simulated IMC and two pilot crew recoveries with a train-to-proficiency concept.
Surprise and startling effect will be introduced and mitigation methods trained